It's that cold blustery time of year
and we want to have a tea party.
YOU are invited to have tea
with the Queen!
We're preparing the table...
and pouring pipping hot tea...
to have with the CAKE of course!!
(It wouldn't be the same without the cake now would it?)
There will be music to delight your ears...
and make you want to tap your toes.
We'll sip from our sweet warm nectar...
and chat about
the latest palace gossip...
or reminisce about when we were
children pretending to have our
own fancy tea party.
So wear your prettiest frock...
and if you forget your crown don't
worry. You can borrow one of
Sending you warm hugs
and blessings
to get you though the
cold days of winter!
Marie Antoinette
Edie Marie